The 6th Day

Every type of text that we have read or watched has a theme. After watching The 6th Day, I gathered that the theme of this movie is that you should always be wary of what is going on. In this movie, one thing that Adam was wary about was the matter of cloning. In his heart, he always knew that it was something that shouldn’t be done. He understood the effects that cloning could cause. For example when his daughter’s dog died, his wife persisted that she should clone him however he didn’t want to. By cloning him, his daughter would be missing out on a life lesson which is that after time, the life cycle of someone or something is that they live and then die. With a cloned dog, she would have never known about this cycle and would have completely missed out on an eye-opening experience. In “Words” by Sara Yamasaki, something that she should have been wary about is that not everyone understands each other. When she brought rice balls, a type of food that they weren’t used to, for lunch, the children took the approach of making fun of her rather than understand why she did that. That is a part of her culture however to the children, it is simply a joke to them. If Sara were wary of this type of behavior by other people, she may have not been as upset about the situation because she’d be knowledgeable of this behavior.

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